Welcome to KiskaStyle! We specialize in bringing you unique items from a variety of designers. Because of the volume and optimization techniques we use, we are able to bring substantial savings to you
All of our products are 100% Authentic and Brand new. We do not deal with used products, counterfeit items, knock-offs, unlicensed copies or factory seconds. All trademarked items are authentic and produced by those manufacturers. Some items are identified as being inspired by various designers, providing an affordable alternative over the designer items.
Company: Brock Trading Address: Pob 97893, Las Vegas, Nevada (United States) Phone: 1 702 321-6874 Zip Code: 89193 Fax: 1 702 4369974 Mobile: Not specified Website Address:
It's so damn obvious that shop resells I want to puke.
Is it possible to get more obvious?
I don't think so.
I guess it's easy to hide in all the stores.
The kicker is, etsy admin has seen this shop, knows damn well they are there, and because they are selling, allows them to stay. True story.
I flagged this one a couple of months ago. I'm sure Etsy will take care of it as soon as possible.
I flagged this today, just to see if maybe they'll do something when a bunch of people start flagging the same OBVIOUS shop. That's ballsy though, you've got to admit.
check out this shop- it says right in the listing that they are made by mexican artisans-
they are not ever ever ever going to get rid of the resellers or mass produced items. they make etsy money. maybe handmade just isnt making them money? look at the big time handmade sellers- most of them sell reproductions cast as originals.
isnt this how capitalism works?
All items I sell on I made with my own two hands. I also I accept custom order too.
I run my web store someone mention here and yes I have some resale item there, NOT ON ETSY.
If you have more questions please contact with me directly.
Have a fantastic day!
Kiska Style,
ahem. Really funny. Really.
This blog is suck!
Etsy did contact with me and they know I am selling just hand made stuff.
I wish you add this comment to your silly blog!
Best wishes!
Kiska Style,
Kiska, do you ever sleep? You appear to be a true Renaissance woman. I just cruised through both of your shops. Your level of production is mind boggling. I'm worn out just thinking about how hard you must work.
I am also impressed by the wide variety of your work from crocheted hats to vinyl wall decals to a wide assortment of jewelry styles to leather and snakeskin accessories. It's just amazing that one person can do so much.
I am so impressed, I think you should be the next featured seller on Etsy. In fact, I am going to write and nominate you for that honor.
They'll want photos of you working in your studio space and you'll be asked about your processes and inspirations and such but that shouldn't be a problem for a talent such as yourself.
apparently, Kiska doesn't know sarcasm.
The previous comment was.
Another bit of information:
Do you understand english?
I said the anonymous comment at 2:10pm was sarcasm.
Not my blog.
I am not impersonating anyone. I have the right to remain anonymous.
And I also have the right to post the comments I want.
Yes Kiksa, my previous post was sarcasm. I'm sorry it went over your little head but since it did, I'll be blunt. There is no way in hell you make all that crap by yourself. I can smell Made In China from three miles away and your stuff REEKS.
You may have fooled the simple minds who work at Etsy but I guarantee you that the majority of the general Etsy public is not fooled.
Stop lying and stop pretending. You're only making a even bigger fool of yourself. If you had a brain you would stay under the radar instead of coming here to post and exacerbating your dishonesty.
You should also study this website.
Etsy is incompetent in their enforcement of the rules. The FTC is anything but. They probably won't shut you down but they can make your life very difficult. I hope you have a good lawyer.
Buh bye!
How much talent is involved in peddling poorly made, mass-produced junk?
Jesus, nice try Kiska....completely pathetic
"All items I sell on I made with my own two hands"
Kiska, you are a liar. I can tell that English isn't your first language, but it's obvious that you know how to lie in the English language.
Your shop makes me sick. You are not an artisan or a crafter - just a clever reseller who thinks others are too stupid to notice.
But, we do have Etsy to blame for allowing this shit to occur on the site - Etsy is going against their own policies!
no need to lie kiska. you have little to worry about- as long as you keep bringing in fees, etsy will let your lying, reselling ass stay.
Kinda's been a year now and that shop is still up to the same shit.
After a year and a half, E still allows her to have a resale shop. She's been reported numerous times. Unfuckingbelievable.
She's been called out again here:
I know yall. I think there is nothing to do. Etsy is only caring about their bottom line and the money coming in.
Now we know.
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