

Organic jewelry wholesale and retailers
And more on ebay.

From the site:
Tribal Chic: Wave Tan
Each hand carved by artisans in Thailand. Variations in size and color make them unique! These are 3cm wide X 5.5cm long.
Each hand carved by artisans in Thailand. Variations in size and color make them unique! These are 3cm wide X 5.5cm long.

Where can we email our tips to?
Thank you!
So the things listed here are NOT handmade? Bought? just trying to understand :)
also.... "sanfranblissco" is the same exact person as "monkeymeditates".....
Can you provide the links of the specific items from the wholesale sites? I'm having a hard time finding the exact products sold as "handmade".
marjie said...
So the things listed here are NOT handmade? Bought? just trying to understand :)
They are handmade BUT massproduced, in Asia, Indonesia etc.
Stephanie said...
Can you provide the links of the specific items from the wholesale sites? I'm having a hard time finding the exact products sold as "handmade".
Second link.
And http://www.batiksarong.com/balibodypiercingjewelry.html
Hemp bracelet sold by ethnicaw:
Same bracelet at the Hemp Superstore:
Clicking on link leads you to this eBay seller:
(Same "Boho-Magic" watermarked photos used on both eBay and Etsy)
Url to bracelet on eBay too long to post here but it is item #270246198734.
They openly admit to importing on their Me page:
"Boho-magic founded on 2002, we traveled around the world and started to import the most unique jewelry and clothing from the places we visited."
Seriously, either the owner of this blogspot has nothing better else to do or just too much time on her hand.
Im impressed on how you can search evidence to back up your convictions.
The world will be a better place if everyone will to mind their own business :)
I suggest that if you are so capable, set up a handmade shop and you will know it's not an easy task.
Handmade or not, as long as they are not ripping us off and provide good services, why do you care so much?
Best regards.
I published the last comment because it is hilarious.
How do you know I don't have an etsy store? How would you know I am a "she"?
And why do YOU care if this blog exists or not. Take your own words and mind your own business. :)
Best regards.
Did you ever find a source for the stuff sold by sanfranblissco?
Here you go sfdh. There is a lot of suppliers out there for these. A LOT.
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